Fundamentals of MR Technology
It took about 100 years from the discovery of the "anisotropic magnetoresistive effect" (AMR) (1857 by Thomson) to a first technical application. At the end of the sixties the AMR effect was used in read heads of magnetic bubble memories. Since 1980 the development of commercial AMR sensors started.
In 1988 Grünberg
and Fert discovered the giant magnetoresistance effect (GMR), leading to closer
research and further discoveries in the field of magnetic based resistance
Extensive national, international
and industrial funded research is currently under progress to develop new
types of magnetoresistive sensors.
Until now several MR effects become known and get classified under XMR.
Magnetoresistance in non magnetic Materials (MR - effect)
MR- Effect
effect will be found in every conductive material. The electrical resistance
changes under the influence of magnetic fields. The carriers of the electrical
charges, the electrons, experience field induced forces, their trajectories
are lengthend. In high conductive materials as Cu, very high magnetic fields
are needed to generate considerable resistance effects. The highest rate of
resistance change will be found in Bismuth.
Special semiconductors, called "Fieldplate"
show values of 100 % and more.
Extraordinary MagnetoResistance
effect was detected in the near past in semiconductor structures.
in ferromagnetic materials (XMR-Effects)
anisotropic magnetoresistive
effect (1857 by Thomson) is effective in ferromagnetic materials. The specific
restistance depends on the angle between current flow and magnetization. In
magnetization direction, several % higher values will be found in comparison
to the perpendicular direction. Inside thin film materials the magnetization
becomes easily rotatable, sensors can be realized.
To detect a giant
effect two ferromagnetic layers and a non -magnetic conductive intermediate
metal layer are needed. With a parallel arrangement of the magnetizations
in the ferromagnetic layers a higher resistance is reached in contrast to
anti- parallel arrangement of the magnetization directions. The difference
may reach up to 50 percent.These possible high values leads to the acronym
The tunnel
effect was
found in some multilayer systems, that consist of two ferromagnetic and a
very thin non conductive intermediate layer.The resistance of the tunnel junction
depends, similar to GMR, on the angle between the magnetization directions
in the ferromagnetic layers.
The collosalmagnetoresistive
effect is a bulk effect, especially found in perowscovitic materials. Near
the transition temperature from the metallic to the semiconductive phase resistance
changes of several hundert percent are sometimes observable. Unfortunately
the transition temperature ranges always below 100 K.
The giant
magnetic inductance
effect was observed predominantly in amorphous ferromagnetic wires or in conductive
wires coated with a magnetic layer. A ring shaped magnetization direction
inside the wire is sufficient. Longitudinal magnetic fields rotate the magnetization
into the wire direction. Giant impedance changes will be found at high working
frequencies, resulting from skin effects on magnetic surfaces and/or interfaces.
Similar effects, with reduced impedance changes in comparison to magnetic
wires, were observed in magnetic multilayers.
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